In a Thai Buddhist wedding, three Buddhist monks will be invited for the ceremony.

The Thailand wedding ceremony begins with prayer. First, the monks chant and then bless the bride and groom by linking their heads with joined loops of Sai Mongkon. Its meaning is that individual identity of the two people but destinies are linked. The ceremony continues with the lighting of candles and incense by the bride and groom. Further chantings and blessing from the monks are made and special prayers for prosperity and good fortune are recited, followed by the cleansing ritual with light splashes of blessed water being made by the head monk.

The happy couple then present an offering of thanks and acknowledgment to the monks (provided by the resort), in the form of gift hampers, food and donations. The Buddhist ceremony takes place on the beach sala overlooking the ocean.

After the monks have departed, the Bride and Groom will take their seats at the Lot Nam Sang (water blessing seat). Starting with the most senior representative of the wedding party, a floral Lei will be placed around the neck of the Bride & Groom. The Water blessing then commences with each guest showing their respect and offering words of congratulations to the newly wed couple. Each guest in turn will pour blessed water over the hands of the happy couple with the water being collected in a bowl of ornamentally arranged flowers. Wedding vows and rings may be exchanged at this time (if desired). Congratulations… you may kiss the Bride !!!

After the water blessing is complete, the popping of corks will be heard as Sparkling wine is opened and served along with specially-made canapés. If the couple has chosen to complete the legal paperwork, the Amphur will be present and witness the signing.

Following this, if the couple has chosen the photography option, the photographer will take the couple around the resort for photographs.

In the evening, there is an option for a celebration dinner for the wedding party including a private barbecue, or specially prepared menu with table settings either in the restaurant, or in our very private, air conditioned Banquet room.

The bridal suite will be made up with flowers on the bed, candles, decorations, and Sparkling Wine.

Having a Thailand wedding at Rocky’s gives you the freedom to relax and enjoy your time with your loved one, without the stress and hassle of planning a wedding back home. Here all the details will be taken care of for you, the setting is gorgeous, and the price is a fraction of what it would be in your home country.

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